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Senin, 02 Februari 2009

barack obama

Thursday***Barack Obama is enjoying a break in Honolulu, Hawaii in advance of the Democratic
National Convention. As seen in the AP photos below, he has spent time with daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, picnicked with family and friends, gone golfing and played some basketball at a local school.
He and wife Michelle also made time for business, attending a fundraiser Tuesday night at the Kahala Hotel.
Heading into the fundraiser with Michelle Tuesday night:
With Malia:
With Sasha and Malia:
With Sasha
Leaving a basketball game with Eric Whitaker at the Punahou School.
Playing golf Wednesday
Followed by a trip to eat shaved ice
See Obama Body Surfing on Thursday***Barack Obama is enjoying a break in Honolulu, Hawaii in advance of the Democratic National Convention. As seen in the AP photos below, he has spent time with daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, picnicked with family and friends, gone golfing and played some basketball at a local school.
He and wife Michelle also made time for business, attending a fundraiser Tuesday night at the Kahala Hotel.
Heading into the fundraiser with Michelle Tuesday night:
With Malia:
With Sasha and Malia:
With Sasha
Leaving a basketball game with Eric Whitaker at the Punahou School.
Playing golf Wednesday
Followed by a trip to eat shaved ice

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